Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: I had help with cutting the belly of the mannequin. after all that put chicken wire and foam so the belly was not hallow, cut the foam to shape it flat and added plaster once plaster was dry added cut up magazines
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent.
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
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