Title: Wabi-sabi
Description: Japanese- the concept that finds beauty and serenity in objects, landscapes, designs, etc, that are simple, imperfect and impermanent.
Materials: National Geographic magazines, black spray paint, gold and silver alcohol inks, gold leaf, women mannequin
Title: Lueur
Description: French meaning glow, inspired by leg lamp in Christmas Story.
Materials: Fragile stickers, light bulbs, plaster, chicken wire, plug, women mannequin
Title: Divine Union
Description: Powerful words with powerful women
Materials: National Geographic magazines, mod podge, women mannequin
Title: Happy Pills
Description: The addiction of opioids
Materials: Pill capsules, pill containers, hot glue, eyelash glue
Title: Smokers Hand
Description: The addiction of smoking
Materials: Cigarettes, cigarette carton, cigarette ash, hot glue, mod podge
Title: Eye of Anxiety
Description: The guy in the middle is you and all the eyes looking at you is your anxiety
Materials: clay, plastic eyeballs, string, wire, armature stand
Title: I AM FULL
Description: This depicts the mental illness of different eating disorders.
Materials: Plaster, chicken wire, panty hose, stuffing
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Special Effects Make-Up
Glamorous Make-Up